Making History Since Nineteen-Nordy Four


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Today our class has so much to be thankful for. We are still, after 15 years, The Best Class Ever. Bar none.

When we graduated in 1994 many doubted that we would continue our dominance for this long. They said we were washed up. We were overrated. We were running on empty. Those same people will be eating crow for dinner tonight.

But today is not about them. It is about us.

And how great we are. This week many have called and e-mailed and written class headquarters to let us know how much we mean to them. Below is just a glimpse of the thanks we have been receiving:

“Your entire class got an A in project adventure! Congratulations on making history! The Class of 94 rules!”
– Dr. Pandiscio
“I always make enough food on Thanksgiving for 1,994 people. That is how much your class rules!”

– Ruth Briggs

“We rule so bad and so much I still wear my Wachusett track jersey to work, on dates and out in public. Every day of my life. I refuse to ever take it off.”

– Josh Kingdon

“Every morning when I wake up the first thing I do is thank the good lord above for having the privilege to teach your class. And then I put on my Zubaz pants and Zubaz muscle shirt and Zubaz hat.”

– Coach Jackson

– Stidsen

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